dexter Group – experts in sustainable plastic packaging
dexter Group develops and produces moulds for manufacturing plastic packaging. As the dexter Group, we are at the forefront in developing new plastic packaging, and we want to make full use of our knowledge and expertise in this area to create packaging that is less harmful to the environment and more easily recyclable.
We are also aware that plastic packaging is seen in a very negative light. Many of the claims and solutions currently being promoted are not based on fact, and the question is whether they are truly sustainable or simply quick fixes that look good in the media. We certainly don’t claim to have the solution to this complex problem at our fingertips, but as a knowledge disseminator and development partner in plastic packaging we feel the need to do our bit to help build a sustainable future. We believe that the route to this future begins with providing clear information. So much is being shouted and written about this subject that it’s almost impossible to see the wood for the trees. At the dexter Group, sustainable thinking is reflected in every aspect of the packaging we develop: could it be lighter weight, are there better material choices, can its recyclability be improved? So it’s no surprise that this link to sustainability dominates our vision for the future and our mission as a company. |
Our vision of plastics
The world’s population is growing in a world in which food is becoming scarce. The demand for packaging that protects food and keeps it fresh for longer is on the rise. Society sees plastic packaging in a negative light, and people are calling on governments and retailers to come up with solutions that have less impact on our environment.
Our solutions not only extend product shelf life but also reduce environmentally harmful transport and raw material wastage. The market is being challenged to develop new techniques and technologies for packaging products. We are fully committed to developing better and smarter packaging. |
Hence the green Group
Because we believe in the value of information, we have set up this separate website under the name of green Group to complement our membership of the Plesstics collective. On this website we put forward our point of view on plastics in the clearest possible way. We attempt to shed light on the theme from both sides, with a clearly substantiated description of the issues.
We explore potential alternative solution pathways and discuss what directions we believe are not truly sustainable. To accompany all the emotional reporting that is going on, we aim to give an honest picture of the different roles everyone plays in the debate around plastics. |
green Group is part of the dexter Group